Sunday, April 8, 2012

Very funny, bunny

Regarding our habit
Of venerating a rabbit
Which at Easter brings eggs --
Is someone pulling our legs?

Sunday, January 29, 2012

The Buzzard

The buzzard is seldom abashed
To dine on what's flattened or smashed;
Highway flotsam and jetsam
Is really what gets him;
He'll eat skunk, if it's properly mashed

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Maybe they kept perching on his lawn

In Sweden, an anteater at a zoo broke into the flamingo compound and murdered ten flamingoes.

The sly and artful aardvark
Is something of a card shark.
At games of chance
He’ll take your pants;
So take this warning in advance:
He always antes sixteen ants.

Monday, March 7, 2011

March comes in like a lion...

The lion prowls the Serengeti,
Shredding prey like cheap confetti.
At risk of sounding rude, or petty,
I’d rather run across a yeti.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Cell phones driving you batty?

Batgirl lives!
A British teenager who assumed that tremors in her bosom were caused by her vibrating mobile phone found a baby bat nestling in the padding of her 34FF bra. (From Harper's Weekly)

In other news relating to bats:
The World Health Organization warned people not to go into Ugandan bat caves after a Dutch tourist died from the Marburg virus, a hemorrhagic fever similar to Ebola. (From Harper's Weekly)

We assume the Bat cave in Gotham is OK.

The bat thrives on echolocation,
The same as the real-estate maven,
Whose mantra -- which rules her vocation --
She chants evermore, like Poe's raven.
"Location, location, location" --
Qouth the Realtor, evermore.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Yak? -- Yuk!

I forget
If yaks live in Nepal or Ttibet;
It's someplace horrid up there --
I don't care.

Monday, February 21, 2011

Is there a dining car?

The ticket man wished to know
Of the crow
If she'd be checking
The baggage she was pecking.
"Oh, no,"
Said the crow
(Whose name was Marian),
"It's carrion